MAPS, Marine Arctic Peace Sanctuary logo-white

For Everyone

The MAPS Petition

Make Your Voice Heard

A single voice has never had more importance than in today’s world. By signing the MAPS petition the impact of yours touches 7.9 billion lives and 8 million species.

Petition Generic

MAPS Official Petition

The Arctic sea ice cools our planet. But the vulnerable Arctic Ocean ecosystem is threatened by rising temperatures and increased exploitation. I call for the realization of the Marine Arctic Peace Sanctuary (MAPS) for the safety of our planet now and for generations to come.

This information validates your signature for delivery to your country's leader. By signing, you agree to receive updates from Parvati Foundation. If you are a European citizen, you confirm you are over 16.

MAPS - We're all connected

Thank you for taking action to protect our survival and the well-being of 7.9 billion lives and 8 million species.